2 Timothy 2:15. "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

Focus on Jesus Rightly Divided Rob Whitlow

Is Jesus a Distraction or a Focus?

Following Jesus comes at a cost, but keeping your eyes on Jesus comes at a very high price. Why is following Jesus so “expensive”?

Because staying laser-focused on Jesus will cost you every distracting thing that wants to tear you from your path. It means you must put blinders on and keep your eyes on the road Jesus is walking while not listening to the voices that want to divert your path.

It means finishing this race strong. To cross the finish line. To complete the mission God has called you to. Other things seem important but are not truly important to your ultimate mission: sharing the gospel.

It’s so easy to get sidetracked in an era where so many voices are clawing for your attention. We are expected to be available for everyone, everywhere, at all times. We all know this is not humanly possible, yet we face distractions and wonder why our spiritual priorities are not done.

It’s because it’s expensive. Your time is costly, and every time you let a “cheaper” distraction pull you away, the value of your time falls. Treat your time like a stock value. If you are distracted from the work you are called to do, it takes a great effort to get your mind and heart back into the place God wants you to live in. When you spend cheap time, it adds up to missed opportunities. So yes – it’s expensive. You must decide if Jesus is worthy of your focus – and live accordingly. There is so much potential for God to use you in mighty ways. Your focus on Christ can change the world for the better.

“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”

Psalm 16:8 NIV

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